The Nature-based Solutions Map is a tool designed to help companies identify the types of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) that best address their priority challenges and opportunities, enabling them to build stronger business cases for using NbS.
Using information from the NbS Blueprint, case studies, academic and grey literature as well as insights from experts in companies and other organizations, the Solutions Map categorizes NbS by two factors:
- which business challenges and opportunities they address, and
- the biomes where they can be applied.
The result is a map of different NbS categories, showing how and where each Nature-based Solutions type can offer value to companies and society (through benefits to climate, nature and equity).
The “NbS Map” is a key part of the NbS Blueprint – our underlying guidance on how to build business cases for Nature-based Solutions. The Blueprint offers a six-stage process for companies to follow; the NbS Map uses information from Stage 1 and enables the user to complete Stage 2.
As this work evolves, we will connect it to existing guidance on NbS valuation as well as efforts to map (geographically) the NbS activities that are available to companies and other organizations looking to invest in or deploy Nature-based Solutions.
We invite companies and other organizations to share their examples and experiences to support and expand the impact of our work on the Blueprint, Map, and ongoing guidance for companies looking to deploy or invest in NbS. To join or learn more, reach us at nature@wbcsd.org.