Our policy and advocacy work aims to support members in bringing the collective voice of progressive businesses into global policy events to help shape the international agenda so that it becomes more relevant to business and leads to business success. Business has an opportunity to bring solutions to important agenda-setting and decision-making mechanisms in the food and nature space globally by demonstrating insight, sharing knowledge and expertise, and providing solutions.
The impacts of agriculture and food and nature system issues on climate, nature and people often cost more than the value they bring. While innovation and business solutions have brought many benefits and have helped in achieving the SDGs, they gain little recognition and stakeholders often do not hear the business voice. Solutions to hunger, malnutrition, biodiversity loss, climate change, water management and to improve livelihoods require more effective transformations. Yet policy-makers rarely see businesses as positive actors and do not involve them in global dialogues on these issues.
Without the correct incentives and policies for stakeholders to share risks and opportunities, we run the risk of not sufficiently accelerating or scaling food and nature projects to achieve the Paris Climate Agreement and the SDGs. Collaboration is necessary between government, business and others to overcome barriers in scaling up positive agriculture, developing alternative proteins, promoting livestock sustainability, ensuring access to clean and adequate water, focusing on healthy, sustainable and effective nutrition and enabling nature-based solutions.
Business has an opportunity to bring solutions to important agenda-setting and decision-making mechanisms globally. Our policy and advocacy work provides insights and knowledge gleaned from international actors with business and helps bring the unified voice of business into the global food and nature agenda. We share business leadership examples, provide policy analysis, and enable public-private partnerships. There is a unique opportunity to mobilize business to engage in food and nature policy events globally and shape the agenda to achieve the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement.
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