Sustainable supply chain principles
The Sustainable Supply Chain Principles (“Principles”) set out below have been developed for the Sustainable Supply Chain Guides – one for procurement leaders, one for suppliers (“Guides”). The Guides are projects undertaken by the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI), a program of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
The Principles summarize, and apply to the cement sector, existing standards developed by other international organizations. Indeed, the Principles are mainly based on relevant International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions and the Ten Principles of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact.
CSI member companies expect their suppliers and contractors (and their sub-supply chain) to follow and respect these Principles when dealing with and performing services for CSI member companies
Guide for suppliers
The supply chain has become increasingly integral to the corporate responsibility and sustainability practices of companies seeking to engage in long-term relationships with suppliers committed to sustainable development. Therefore, the importance of procurement practices as key levers for sustainable supply chain management, engagement and transformation is gaining relevance.
This Guide provides a new approach to help suppliers dealing with Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) companies manage business and relationships in a sustainable way, pulling through challenges and criticalities and avoiding potential pitfalls. Particularly, CSI members have established minimum requirements for suppliers in the cement sector and developed a common supplier engagement program to assess suppliers and improve sustainability practices in the supply chain. Beyond sustainability, the objective is to preserve company reputations and avoid supply disruptions.
The audience for this Guide is:
• Suppliers dealing with CSI companies.
• Suppliers aiming to manage their own sub-supply chain in the same sustainable and proactive way.
The Guide offers a robust approach on a subject that currently, due to the complexity and variety of stakeholders involved and their increasing expectations, has a pressing need for guidance and assistance.
It aims to enable the global business community to create a sustainable future for business, society and the environment. The idea is to facilitate the adoption of sustainability principles throughout the supply chain. In order to achieve this, the transparent exchange of information and shared commitments are key.
This Guide has been developed in line with the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact related to human and labor rights, the environment and anti-corruption issues. It applies to all CSI members’ suppliers and it is communicated to potential and existing suppliers.
This Guide does not aim to set a new sustainability standard in the supply chain. Instead, it gives guidance on the application to the cement sector of standards developed by other international organizations.
Guide for procurement leaders
The supply chain has become increasingly integral to the corporate responsibility and sustainability practices of an organization as a whole. Similarly, the role of procurement as a key lever for sustainable supply chain management, engagement and transformation is growing.
This publication provides a new approach to help the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) companies manage their supply chains in a sustainable way as they face challenges and criticalities. This Guide has been created in response to the increasing awareness of the roadblocks that companies face in dealing with suppliers. Beyond sustainability, the objective is to preserve companies’ reputations, avoid supply disruption and foster business innovation.
The audience for this Guide is:
• Company procurement leaders— to provide guidance to their team in order to manage suppliers in a sustainable and proactive way.
• Anyone in the company acting as a procurement leader and dealing with suppliers.
The Guide offers a robust approach to a subject that, due to the variety of stakeholders and their expectations, has a pressing need for guidance and assistance.
This CSI Guide aims to enable the global business community to create a sustainable future for business, society and the environment. The level of engagement with staff (meaning managers and their teams) is crucial to the success of sustainable supply chain management. The idea is to facilitate the adoption of sustainability principles throughout the supply chain. The transparent exchange of information and shared commitments is primordial in achieving this.
This Guide has been developed in line with the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and is related to human and labor rights, the environment and anti-corruption issues.
This Guide does not aim to set a new standard for sustainability in the supply chain. Instead, it gives guidance on the application to the cement sector of standards that have been developed by other international organizations