July 2011: NBI recently published Energy Efficiency Case Studies 2010, a collection of case studies showcasing energy efficiency initiatives implemented by South African companies.
Energy will be a key issue for South Africa’s development over the next two decades. First and foremost, there is a need in the country to properly manage the relationship between supply and demand, particularly in the provision of electricity. This will be crucial; as development progresses, demand for electricity to power it will increase. South Africa is already suffering power cuts in different areas. This challenge will need to be overcome if poor electricity supply is to not hinder the nation’s development.
Secondly, achieving energy efficiency will be crucial given the pressure on South Africa – as well as its own pledges – to support international efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The result represents a significant challenge to which both the public and private sectors will need to respond.
The case study publication is part of efforts to achieve this through the sharing of lessons learned among businesses. It documents how companies have taken forward their energy efficiency initiatives, what has worked, what has not and what they have actually achieved.